As my birthday was approaching, I decided that I really wanted to make thirty-three wishes.  I figure each year we age we should earn an extra wish.  I'm not one to make resolutions during the new year, but I think that my wishes are sort of my own version of a year long resolution for myself.  As my next birthday rolls around I can see how much I accomplish and I will look forward to an extra wish when its time to turn 34!

01 // practice patience 
02 // always be kind
04 // no diets, just healthy changes <-- slowly implementing this plan!
06 // adventure to a new place each month [jan feb mar apr may jun jul]
07 // grow my hair (this has been a wish every year!)
09 // nourish the current friendships I have [this is always a work in progress & i'm proud of myself for it]
10 // compliment and appreciate my husband more  [this one has been fun to do *wink*]
11 // be fully present when with others [STOP.LOOKING.AT.MY.PHONE]
12 // stop caring about what strangers from the internet think
13 // read all the books 
14 // volunteer or donate more often
15 // make art for me, not for profit
17 // start a personal journal
18 // stop cursing at idiot drivers =)
19 // bake more
22 // work up the courage to launch my new shop
24 // do more home projects 
23 // send surprises to loved ones more often
24 // take more baths [i'm not a bath person, wish me luck!]
25 // go on adventures for me, not just for blog content
26 // stay authentic through trends
27 // love my puppies and give them a happy little life
28 // never feel envious of strangers
29 // make this place true to me
30 // support more local small businesses
31 // beat temptation and make healthy choices in all aspects of my life
32 // figure out this infertility thing
33 // take care of me.

And those are my wishes.  To be a little more accountable I'd love to share a monthly check in on how they are going, if you have a birthday coming up and want to do something similar share a link of your post so I can cheer you on too! xo