treasure finds: what's in front of you

We see pretty pictures, diy's, recipes, parties.. happy smiles.  And to be honest its inspiring.  But to be more honest, I've been in my pj's and in a total frump for a few days.  For me sometimes its easier to look at what everyone else is doing instead of going out and doing it too.  I think its okay to be in a rut, but the key to it- is getting yourself out.  Tonight I decided glitter would help (see photo below) and tomorrow I have high hopes for a shower.

I don't really share a lot here about myself except the business stuff and pretty pictures.  Really I try to use this space as an extension for my business and things I find inspiring.  However, shit gets hard sometimes and it feels good to type it all out.  So while on Thursdays I usually share my treasure finds, today I want to appreciate whats in front of me, vent about the rut I put myself in and get over it.

So whats on my mind lately?  Where do I start..

I was supposed to be at AltSummit this week and its an obvious bummer that I had to skip the trip when I had a free ticket (yeah yeah I know, stupid me.), but its ok I'm living vicariously through the #altsummit feeds and running our social media for Passionfruitads.  Love Club just about kicked my ass again and I made a huge announcement that I will shut it down in June.  But I'm having second thoughts if this is the way to go.  Another stress is that I applied to be a speaker at Snap and I'm hoping hoping hoping I get chosen.  Send some good ju-ju my way on this please!

Personal wise- Brandon is working in Peru and we actually couldn't talk at all for almost a week, which when you don't talk to your significant other (text/call/email/nada) it almost feels like they don't exist.  Enter weird mood here.  Thankfully I heard his voice, cried and then remembered I was indeed still married.  Our house hunting ordeal is still up in the air as we just can't find the right place, but my fingers are crossed and I'm hoping to be in Portland in a few weeks!

Oh you guys, this is the best part of being in a rut (sarcasm yes).  My mom is a dope chef, yep dope.  I can't turn the lady and her treats down (I'm positive she wants me to be fat and miserable) and for that reason I have gained about 15lbs since October.  Yikes maybe this is why I'm in my pjs?? Friends this rut is real and whats hard is having responsibilities while still having 'me time'.  Its a reason a week away from here was for the best.  I want to keep it real, I have issues too and although we measure what is going on in our lives differently none of us have perfect.

Don't get me wrong for the love of Ryan Gosling I'm ok.  Just rut-ish and I needed to get that out.


  1. Kasey Lurvin25 January, 2013

    I love it when bloggers are real and this post really made me like you even more! I follow on instagram and you always look like you are having fun and are so busy, thanks for showing everyone you are a real girl with issues just like everyone else, it makes me feel better!

  2. I feel you... I'm stack in this moment lately "We see pretty pictures, diy's, recipes, parties.. happy smiles. And to be honest its inspiring. But to be more honest, I've been in my pj's and in a total frump for a few days. For me sometimes its easier to look at what everyone else is doing instead of going out and doing it too." Tired and uninspired... Things happen in our lives and we usually can't control everything, but we have to fight the rut!
    I'm telling all these so that I can hear them too! ;-)

  3. Whenever I am going through tough times I remember what my grandma said: 'This too shall pass'. It will pass and you will feel better soon. You are loved and you love. Let that make you strong.

  4. I love you!!! I am actually going through the whole rut thing right now too! I don't really know why, other than I am so busy with so many business things on my plate that I just feel overwhelmed and want some real life time...I feel so uninspired lately and I hate it!

    Sending hugs!!!!

    P.S. I am seriously sending good vibes your way for the Snap speaker! I WANT to hear you speak there so badly! That would be awesome!!


  5. Ah sometimes I am so lazy even to type for my blog. Then it's cool to sneak into others blog and see tips and recipes and other crafts! Currently I am dealing with Passion fruit thing , I hope I would get succedeed :D

    Aree With Umbrella

  6. Thank-you! That is all I'm saying! You have no idea how wonderful it is to hear bloggers being real! Good luck with everything and you can now consider me an avid follower!

  7. Ugh I'm in a slump too...but a weird frantic slump where I'm so overwhelmed with how much I have to do I don't want to do any of it. And I'm kicking myself for NOT buying a ticket to ALT. And also for not hearing about SNAP sooner. I put myself on the wait list though...Oh and I feel you about the weight though I don't have my mother to blame. I've gained 15 since I stopped nursing and I need to just stop eating (junk).

  8. It happens girl, don't be so hard on yourself :) Things will get better! Strange that I just got back from Peru!

    Hope you have a beautiful weekend, and you get to feeling a little better! Take a bubblebath- sounds dumb maybe, but I swear they could cure any bad day!


  9. I like it when you get personal and real. Life isn't always amazing and everyone has hard times. I love your blog and your inspiration and being real with you readers is what keeps me coming back. All the best.


  10. Thank you for the honesty! We REAL people appreciate it.
    And I promise, your not the only one in this rut... It's Friday and I finally decided to shower and put some clothes and makeup on, it only took me all week. Not to mention the HUGE pile of laundry that needs to be folded, but I've decided that catching up on blog reading is much more important.

    Keep your chin up!


  11. New follower on Instagram :) hope to see you follow back wideospaces_bc
    I love your honesty and realness in this blog. Keep up the good work, it feels great knowing others are experiencing the same kinds of things as ourself.

  12. Oh man, I feel you! This has been a rough month for me, and I'm hoping it's not indicative of the rest of 2013!

    1. As long as the rough part is just this bit (here's to hoping!) and I can enjoy the rest of the year that's ok! Hoping the same for you friend :)
