lazy sunday project: importance of packaging

While we are still so focused on Love Your Business month I thought I would share with you a cute little package I received.  Adding on little touches that make your customers feel special, are one of the reasons that your customers stay loyal (customers service & great products obviously help too!).  I personally get a lot of packages delivered almost daily here, supplies, presents, umm shopping habits.. you know.  The ones that catch my attention are the ones where you know someone took the time to make them feel just a bit more special for you.  It shows their appreciation that you bought from them.  Its a vital part to the handmade business community, so when you are working on your business plan don't forget to think of some ways you will be packaging your items for your customers.... they will truly appreciate it!

The importance of packaging.

-It portrays your brand-
-It makes the customers feel special-
-It shows off the handmade community-
-They are fun to get in the mail-
-They are unique-
-They are cute-


A recent order I received from The Small Object


  1. that is a great package, uh love! its so true about the right packaging, if its not done well, then it brings down the whole experience of shopping somewhere. my girlfriends and i always keep the best package for other things and its fantastic ha

  2. Very cute! I agree, packaging makes the purchase extra special. I have yet to figure out branding and packaging for my etsy shop. So many ideas out there, I have not come up with anything specific yet. Thanks for sharing. :)

  3. Cute packaging totally changes how I feel about items I get in the mail. It may be just an "ok" item, but if it had adorable packaging, it suddenly becomes "the coolest thing I've ever ordered". My boyfriend can attest to that! Haha :)
    xo Heather

  4. love this package! I love spending time on little things like that for my own shop and packages I mail in general. I also love seeing recycled paper/supplies used in packaging when it looks nice!

  5. it's TRUE!!! I always feel excited when I receive something in a cute package.. and with a thank-you note.. and sometimes with a little extra present!! Those type of packages are the best!..I try to do my best in following that example. :)


  6. Oh my, their packaging is soooo cute!!
