I'm a Heavy Hitter!?

Super sweet & savvy Nicole from over at Three's 4 Me
asked if I would be interested in participating in her Small Business Month over on her blog.

It sounded great and I asked her what she was thinking she might need from me,
she then mentioned that each Monday this month she was having interviews
 with Blog/Shop Heavy Hitters such as: 
Maggie from Gussy Sews, Ashley from The Shine Project and Casey from The Wiegands.  
She wanted to know if I would be the other participant... 
Um What!? I was seriously all over it and completely excited that she had asked me!

So today that is where you will find me!
{go see for yourself here}
I would love for you to check out my little Q&A Session with Nicole, 
and take the time to become a fan of her blog or check out her cute shop!


  1. girl you are going to be famous!!!!!!!!!! im calling it now!

  2. Just found your blog! I LOVE it! Please stop by my blog and take a look, if you like it you should probably follow it! It's make my day! Thanks so much!

    XoXo Nicole Mariana


  3. I agree - so famous :)

  4. Fairly new blogger here... yours is amazing! I feel so out of the loop right now! The blogging world has changed so much over the years, it feels like a treasure hunt now! :) Off to read your guest post!
