help a momma out!

This is my super cute and crafty friend ALEX..

She started as a hair client of mine a few years ago,
and recently we have discovered we both share similar obsessions for fabric stores, blog stalking and talking fast!
She recently started a blog and will soon open her amazing etsy shop (seriously you better get in there when she adds new things because it will go fast!), but right now there is a very serious topic at hand and she needs the mommy help that I just cant offer.

You see, being that I'm not a momma I can only give her the advice that makes sense to me such as:
-start a food fight and throw food at baby boo boo
-make him start cooking his own meals
-make him get a job so he knows what its like to clean things & pay for said food
-just leave it on the floor and start a science project

Now to me this options seem very logical, but then again...I know they aren't.

So I'm asking that a few of you momma's head her way and maybe offer up a bit of advice? Oh and follow her blog too, because we will both be doing a joint giveaway shortly and you sooo need to enter!

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