the simple things

Today I have 4 copies up for grabs of The Simple Things magazine.  If you aren't familiar with this publication you should be.  Published by the same folks at Mollie Makes, this amazing read is about: slowing down, enjoying what you have, making the most of where you live, enjoying the company of of friends and family, and making simple food for friendly gatherings. Up for grabs today is issue 5 -food with friends- and here is a small peek inside..


*Sweepstakes Details-  winner will be chosen at random.  if winner chosen does not have a gfc profile with a valid email address and a way to contact is not left in a comment or a registered entry then another winner will be chosen.  all entries are worth the same amount after initial mandatory entry has been received.  Open to US residents only.  Age 18 and older.  Winner will be announced publicly and notified via email as per FTC guidelines.  The fulfillment of this sweepstakes is provided by The Simple Things and sponsored by Heather Smith of JustLovelyThings, LLC.


  1. This is one of the best mags around at the moment, curling up with it and a cup of tea is one of my favourite things to do :)

    gemma typically.pretty.english

  2. I love this new magazine! I have the first two issues, but haven't gotten my hands on any since then. Awesome giveaway :)

  3. I've never seen this magazine before. I definitely want to win it!

  4. What a gorgeous magazine! :)

  5. I've never seen this magazine before, and I usually stalk all of the magazine sections haha!

  6. The Simple Things looks like a great magazine. Especially since I have begun to simplify my lifestyle!

  7. Looks like a great magazine! =D

  8. Entry sent when I'd barely stared typing!! I'm looking forward to doing some baking with my little girl! So if you see an entry with about 3 letters on, that's me! fab giveaway! Louise. x

  9. out of total curiosity, how come you use this instead of rafflecopter?
