
I really don't want to make resolutions, for fear of not achieving them. I tried my hardest to instead start creating better habits that I can stick with as the New Year approaches, but I came across this adorable New Years Resolution Kit by Lindsay of Run Lucas Run that I couldn't pass up.  As I read through the list I thought about how I daily/weekly/monthly set goals for myself with little to-do lists, orders, a schedule etc. and when I look back- no matter how many things I cross off that list (or totally fail at getting done) I can't help but give myself a high five. Even if it looks funny doing it, but really high fives are way cooler then back pats right?

Anyways what I'm getting at is that each day we make goals and we work towards them.  Now whether that goal is to watch lifetime movies all day long in your jams, work on a million orders from your little shop, write up a post, do great at work, spend time with your kids, go on a date with your love or have quality friend/family time- whatever it is, all those little things add up to living a great life and thats one resolution I always want to make to myself.  A good life.

This weekend we are heading up to Portland to look at houses (eeeeeppp!!) and with all the goals we set in making this a reality I can't help but wonder what 2013 will bring. And I welcome it with big ol' open arms as I run through a field of flowers in slow motion (just picture it). I'm still working on my answers for the list above by Run Lucus Run, but make sure to go download one of her kits and get yours started too! I've heard of a bunch of you starting your new year with the One Little Word Challenge and I might jump on that too. I'd love to know, if you are one to make resolutions.. what are yours?


  1. I love your new year list of things to accomplish. I often forget about seemingly little things like books I've been wanting to read or a place I want to visit. I tend to jump into these crazy, far-fetched resolutions and they never end up panning out because it's just too much. It's nice to focus on the little things.

    Have a great time in Portland looking at houses! My best friend's cousin just moved up there and I've been loving the way the houses look up there, so different from down here in Florida.

    1. I think focusing on the little things is a great way to appreciate everything about this little life we get to live!

  2. Great list. I do have list of goals too. Happy new year!

  3. I did something similar to you for my resolutions last year. I agree that making habits of things is the easiest way to incorporate them into your life permanently. I am sort of doing the one little word challenge this year and my word is fulfillment.

    Happy New Year and luck with the blog and all aspects of your life in the coming year!

    1. I love your word for the year, good luck fulfilling it =) Happy New Year!!

  4. I'm not a resolutions kind of girl but I do have hopes for 2013. I hope all your wishes come true.

  5. portland is one of my fave cities on the planet.
    good luck with the house hunting!

  6. I'm going to have to check out the New Years Resolution Kit :D
    That is so exciting that you are going house hunting - good luck!
    Happy New Year!

  7. you're moving to portland after all?? how exciting! love this place. have fun house hunting! :)

    1. I can't wait!! I have wanted to move to Portland for as long as I can remember and its finally happening!

  8. I just stumbled on your blog. It's gorgeous!

  9. Such a good list! I've been looking for more direction in making my resolutions, it can be so hard sometimes.

  10. I like your list. Not as much pressure, I feel as though I can never complete a resolution because of the pressure so tend to not say mine out loud.

  11. Yay Heather! I am so excited that you are moving here!!! I will send you my number. We should get together!

  12. my word for this new year is Grace. My goal is to live a more graceful life.
