Bye Bye Beehive!

Hey there! My name is Annelise, and I have a saucy little blog (aptly named) Aunie Sauce. I tend to have a very open heart, and write often about my personal style, relationship (getting married December 1!), and what moves me. Oh, also—I like hair.

Obviously. In fact, in addition to Aunie Sauce, I also have a hairstyle blog called Bye Bye Beehive. See, a little over a year ago, I told myself it would be a great idea to go 365-days without hairspraying, teasing, dyeing or frying my hair.

At the time, I was so convinced that I was the coolest person ever for putting myself to the test with this challenge. Last Thursday, October 11, 2012, I finished that challenge. Now, it's actually official—I'm still not the coolest person ever—but I did go an entire year without "doing" my hair. Yep. You heard it right. 365-days without any highlighting, cutting, teasing, hairspraying, blow drying, straightening, curling... any of it. It was a year of new hair adventures, big hair experiment fails, and a year where I learned a lot about myself... and how hair really isn't important at all.

 See, growing up, I was a cheerleader. A typical cheerleader. Blonde, bubbly, super-preppy, and a big-hair fanatic. Big, bouffant, southern belle, "Utah Poof" style hair (sorry, Bonnie... in Idaho, we call it the Utah Poof... and let me say I am a big fan). I used to die if I had a bad hair day. I was constantly cutting it, highlighting it, making it as big as it would go. Needless to say, it was a damaged mess. So last year, that's when I decided to forego all the damaging tactics and just let it go—au natural baby. And now, I'm proud to say I did it. Along the way, I got called a hippy, innovative, crazy, gutsy, brave, and even occasionally inspiring. But—I did it. And I gained: confidence, a gazillion new hairstyles, and a ton of inches on my hair.

So, now that I've told you all about my year-long adventure (and a blog that I use only occasionally), go check it out. And should you feel so inclined, maybe start a Beehive journey of your own. OH—and then please be sure to go visit my real blog, you know, the one that I'm actually present at 5-days a week. Also, I feel bad. I know I introduced myself, but all you've really seen is the back of my head. So HELLO: this is me. Come say hi.

I want to offer one of you a medium as space on my blog

So leave a comment below and tell me: 
Would you be able to not do your hair for a year and why?  
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